Yesterday's beautiful sunset was purely inspirational. The color, texture of the clouds, dramatic wisps with black silhouettes in the forground. It was striking but mostly, it stirred me. I ran to get my camera before it was gone. At first all I could do was curse the electrical lines that interfered with the view. But then, I stopped and realized, they are part of life, it is the reason I am here on this computer, electric is everywhere. It takes away from a view but it enhances so much of our lives. So, the power lines remain in my photo!
It is December! I am a person that violently refuses to give in to the coming of fall. I love spring and summer. I love the rebirth and new life that spring brings. I love the easier, more relaxed feelings of summer. Fall makes me think of dark days and bitter cold nights ahead. Somewhere around Halloween I finally give in to fall and suddenly, I embrace it! I love the colors, the fresh crisp air, the cooler brisker days. Then one day I wake up to Christmas music on the radio and I am surprisingly happy! I love Christmas! It makes me feel happy, joyous and grateful. My daughter is 9 and still believing. We stand on a precipice of pre-teen years that will change so many things in our household. Today I cherish these lasting moments of innocence, sweetness and wonderful childhood!
I love so many things about the Christmas season. I love the music at church, the adopt a family that we participate in, I love teaching my daughter about receiving and swaying her against gross consumerism. We live a fairly simple life. As a single mom, we often have to scale down on things. But we make up for it in so many other ways. We spend time together, we make gifts for family, we buy gifts for our church's adopt a family and bring food for the local food pantry. We sing Christmas songs and decorate our house. We go to local events in our teeny town like the tree lighting this Sunday. We make it happy, joyous, grateful and filled with good feeelings. Isn't that what it is all about anyway?
Now, back to the task at hand! I have added some new items to my Etsy shop including some new beach glass or sea glass jewelry. All of the glass was collected by my daughter and I on our wonderful little beach in our teeny town. I have recently received gifts of beach glass from friends as well. I also added some more recycled glass jewelry including some striking big glass hoop earrings. I have a few new items that are on their way to the kiln that I hope to post very soon.
For our holiday specials this week I am offering free shipping and 15% off everything in the shop now through Sunday December 7 at 11:59pm. Feel free to convo me on Etsy or email me if you have any questions.
Discounts refunded through Paypal or wait for revised invoice. Happy shopping!
If you see anything that you like that has been sold, convo me and I should be able to make it for you. I will get back to you with the time frame and price.
Thanks for reading and I hope you have a really happy holiday season!